April poetry challenge #3


This week’s challenge: Using the template provided here, write a biopoem about one of the four people photographed above and submit it using the comment box at the bottom of the page. Please specify portrait # 1, 2, 3, or 4.

You may use your own name or make one up. Enter as many biopoems as you like. All entries must be submitted before midnight Pacific time on April 30, 2014.

At 8 a.m. on May 1, 2014, I’ll randomly select one entry. The lucky poet will win a $25 gift package (your choice of five packages) from Brick Books.

Have fun!


5 Responses to “April poetry challenge #3”

  1. Anne Chilibeck

    #3 Lawrence (Larry) McLeod

    Lawrence (call me Larry, love)
    Patient, fair – and sometimes mischievous
    Father of five
    Lover of pixies and gnomes and all things unseen
    Wonder and fear and more love
    Will she make it? Am I enough? Will the whole world forget?
    Who raised a disabled daughter and taught her to stand proud
    Who wanted the fairies to win and to find the gold at the end of the rainbow

  2. commatologist

    Now you’ve done it, Anne. I need to know more! Your questions spark more questions and I’m curious as can be.

  3. Anne Chilibeck

    Ha! The questions all have answers, of course, though they may have to wait for another day. I do find this “bio-poem” idea wonderful – originally, I thought it would be a great way to help flesh out a character for a fictional piece already in progress, but your response to my bit of whimsy makes me realize that a bio-poem can also be the beginning of a story. And to think all it takes is a random picture of a stranger! Thank you for that, Ms. Commatologist.

  4. commatologist

    My pleasure! I look forward to reading some of your stories.



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