April poetry challenge #5
The photograph above is the last of five in commatology’s April poetry challenge as part of National Poetry Month. (I’m posting on Tuesday this week instead of Wednesday to give you a bit more time to come up with a poem.)
The challenge: Write a poem about (or inspired by) the photograph above and submit it using the comment box at the bottom of the page. You may use your own name or make one up. Don’t worry if you’re “not a poet.” The idea is to have fun.
All entries must be submitted before midnight Pacific time tomorrow, April 30, 2014.
At 8 a.m. on May 1, 2014, I’ll randomly select one entry. The lucky poet will win a $25 gift package (your choice of five packages) from Brick Books.
Enter as many poems as you like, but make each one original.
2 Responses to “April poetry challenge #5”
There’s the postman, he’s my good friend.
‘Cuz it’s him that brings me what people send.
Even today when it’s pouring with rain,
there he is along the path again.
I never have to worry
I never have to fret
He’s made of rubber and he likes to get wet.
Thanks for all the poetic fun this month… !
Thanks for playing, Carin. I’ve enjoyed your contributions. And it’s good to know it’s not just us on the Wet Coast who are being rained on today.
Bring on the May flowers.