It’s April: Wake up, fool!
Joyous are the days when I find a new poet (new to me) who makes me fall in love with language—and with life—all over again. It’s too easy, heartdullingly easy, to take it all for granted, but then a poem comes along that in seven lines yanks me out of lethargy and says, “Wake up, fool! Go and meet the world with a sense of wonder, let yourself be surprised by the mundane. Life is magical. Open your eyes.”
That’s what this small poem by Teddy Macker did for me the other day, and I share it with you in the hope it has a similar effect on you.
Happy poetry month!
Ruby thimble, afternoon’s navel, ceremonial hat of the
cricket shaman . . . I soft unhold you from your stem,
soft unhold your clement, passionate, almost-audible
body in my hand, my palm soon wide as my daughter
runs heartbreaking to clutch you, to clutch the bell of
sleeping sparks, the roe of dawn, the little crumbling
chalice of July oblivion.
This World
White Cloud Press, 2015
One Response to “It’s April: Wake up, fool!”
And now you’ve made joyous this day for us… thank you. (New poet to me also, so double thanks.)