The barn that love built

Our family gathered on our farm last week from their homes down south.

They came with tents, sleeping bags,
and air mattresses,

with saws and hammers and gloves.

I loved hearing their voices solving problems together.

The whir of the saw and the appearance of the sawyer evoked memories of my dad, who would be so incredibly proud of his grandchildren.

Our family built this barn for LW and me, but it belongs to them.

To quote Robert C. Howard in his poem Pennsylvania Barn Raising, “we are more together than we are apart.”


11 Responses to “The barn that love built”

  1. Judy

    I love how you captured the very essence of the “barn raising” time with your family in this post! ♥

    • commatologist

      Thanks, Judy! And thanks for being a part of it, and for taking a picture of LW and me.

      • Judy

        It was my pleasure! Thank you for your hospitality … and you are welcome for the photo. ?

  2. Joan Conway

    So astounding what can happen when family and community come together Wonderful to see.

    • commatologist

      It really is, Joan. One of the most amazing parts of the process for me was how everyone worked together so respectfully and cheerfully, and with such willingness to stretch themselves beyond their comfort zone.

    • commatologist

      Thanks, Theresa. It’s getting more beautiful by the day as the wings and fascia boards are added. I almost hate to see it sheeted and roofed. Who knew so much beauty was on the inside of buildings, unseen?


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