I don’t want your love, I want justice
Like a goose whose innards were ready for foie gras ♦ I spent half of the evening … wiping up spills. ♦♦ Next morning I donated my hate mail collection to a major public library, so fascinating and horrible was its content. ♦♦♦ Write the truest sentence you know. ♦♦♦♦ I don’t want your love, I want justice. ♦♦♦♦♦
Links above (in red) are quoted text.
This week’s combistory combines one sentence each from four unrelated articles and a video I viewed online this week. Each piece provoked me into thinking differently about things I’ve thought about in the past. Inviting you, dear readers, to ponder them is the point of this word play. The authors of these five powerful sentences, in order of placement, are:
Nina Totenberg on her 5-decade friendship with Ruth Bader Ginsburg on NPR.
Bella Koschalk in Spoons in the Columbia Journal
Michael Leunig in A Word or Two About Cartooning
Gwen Tuinman in The Truest Sentence (on her blog)
Angel Kyodo Williams in the YouTube video It’s Not About Love After All
A lot of what I thought about this week was the life and contribution of U.S. Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Everything I learn about RBG deepens my admiration and respect for that remarkable woman. I love that someone put a #notoriousRBG dissent collar on the Fearless Girl. When I think about the chilling implications of the timing of her death, I want to make sure I hold onto her own words about the gift inherent in impossible situations. You can hear what she said in this video: It was only because all the doors were closed that she could become the #notoriousRBG—had the road been easier, she would not have been forced to find a way. That’s the challenge facing us now, all of us who fervently hoped she would hold on until after the election in November. Molly Conway said in her Facebook post that went viral last week: “May [Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s] memory be for blessing. May her memory be for revolution. May we become a credit to her name.”
How might we become a credit to her name?
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