A plea to the gods of lost causes
All knots have their purpose:
Reef knots bind, sheet bends join,
A bowline is a rescue knot
For unclaimed souls and haunted minds.
Yet no saint protects the maker of knots
When she cracks.
The title for this week’s combistory—a plea to the gods of lost causes—is also the title of a flash CNF piece by Victoria writer Karin Hedetniemi on Does It Have It Pockets?
The knot photo on the commatology home page comes from Greg Willson on Unsplash. It was taken after a hurricane hit St Augustine, Florida.
The combistory itself contains fragments from:
- the flash CNF piece “Knot Theory” by Elaine Edwards on River Teeth’s Beautiful Things
- a handmade book incorporating folios from a 1930s Palestinian passport, created by Wanda HELA Katz, a “quirky bibliophile” in Somerset
- “Monday’s Haunted Mind,” a work in progress by prop maker / toy maker Grete Saluste
- Kanya Kanchana’s “delightfully tangled reading list on knots” on Longreads
- “Esquerda” (Crack) by Portuguese sculptor Tania Font
I hope you’ll take some time to explore the links. That’s the whole point of this combinatory play.
2 Responses to “A plea to the gods of lost causes”
Again thank you for such a rich exploration, and an evocative poem from so many sources. I love your mind, expansive.
Thank you, Joan. That’s lovely to hear. I enjoy the process of looking for connections in the different things I view online. This week it was so easy because I kept seeing knots everywhere. xo